Thematic Appreciation Test practice questions


sample question
If you want to know about the basics of TAT you can know about TAT on TAT basics/What is TAT?

Guys,On the day of TO during TAT test you will be shown 12 different image to develop a logical image based on that image.On this test you have to show your creativity by developing a logical story.On this test, you have to develop a story by portraying the main character and developing the story by focusing on the background past of that image, what led to the present situation and what will be the outcome in the coming future.
So without further delay,I will provide you the possible TAT images to prepare for your TO test.Keep in mind that you guys have only 30 seconds to observe the image and only 4 minutes to develop the story around that image.

Guys I have provided you 11 images where the last image on the test will be a blank image So cadets,set up the timer on your phone start to work on to develop a logical image on the timed pressure.
