What is Situation Reaction Test or SRT?
Situation Reaction Test also known as SRT is a part of your psychological test on your Technical Officers (TO) test which is taken to understand the psychology of the candidate where 60 number of different situations are given to you on the sheet of paper and you have to analyze those situations and give your response.
What time is allocated for this test?
Generally this test is against time where you are given short period of time to write your response.Roughly response of 60 situations have to be completed in 30 minutes so the time for each question is only 30 seconds for each questions.
What is good to do on this test?What is observed on this test? Quality or Quantity of responses to the given situations?
On SRT you are given the realistic day to day observed problems where you have to solve those situations.None of the questions are fiction based or unrealistic. This is a test which observes how candidates handle the given problems in limited number of time.
Coming on to what is best on this test I recommend to focus on quality of your answers rather than only on quantity.To perform best on this test you should imagine yourself as an officer and give OFFICER's like response to any given situations.
To find out the sample SRT questions you can visit my next blog Situation Reaction Test-Part 1,Situation Reaction Test-Part 2 to know about the format of the questions and prepare for this test.
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